
Angie Tonucci hails from the southeast coast of Virginia. She's moved around a lot but currently lives in Illinois with her cat named Billina and plans to immigrate to the UK within the next couple of years. She studied psychology and theatre arts at Virginia Tech, Italian language at Istituto Venezia, and communications and linguistics at University of Illinois Springfield. She's a textbook Leo who's queer for everybody and probably has a massive crush on you. She's vegan as fuck and curses like a goddamn sailor. She has a couple super fun neurodivergencies that make her natural state absolute chaos, but her most turbulent days often spark some of her best ideas. She'll do whatever she can to make space for marginalized voices, and she'll always call out that white n0nsense. She loves colorful eyeglasses, nature witchery, intersectional feminists, tattoos, animal liberators, smart horror movies, social justice warriors, thrift shops, unapologetic boss bitches, actual paper books on her shelves, and actual friends' art on her walls. She has two legit swords, and she knows how to use them.