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14th October 2023
FOR THE RECORD. I'm at Aidan's in Bloomington, Indiana, spending a dreary day writing at his retro Japanese-inspired dining table while he's deep inside League of Legends. I took a side quest to decide on the order in which I should write the books currently planned after the AdderKyn trilogy. I asked Aidan for a sharpie; he only had this blue-green one. I only had this blue paper. But with them, I created THE PLAN.

1st May 2023
Blessed Beltane, my loves!
Art by Phoebe Wahl.
Art by Phoebe Wahl.

28th February 2023
For the whole month of February, Aidan and I were competing to get the most words of prose on the page for our books, the prize being Pochita tattoos that the loser has to pay for. It was super intense the whole month, we were always within a few hundred words of each other, trash-talking and attempting sabotage at every turn while still having late-night phone chats to brainstorm ideas and encourage each other. We went into the last day yesterday only 43 words apart. Like no matter what we'd done the whole month, it came down to who wrote more on the final day! Welp. Looks like I'm paying for those tattoos. (Video below of the results after our 2am deadline!) But the entire point of my brilliant idea was to get me back into writing mode, where I haven't been since last summer, and it fucking worked. Despite still having to work a ridiculous amount for all my other jobs and despite a week of being super sick with a head cold and a stomach bug (yes, at the same time), I wrote for many, many hours almost every day. And after a couple weeks, it was just like the old days... all I WANTED to do was write. I didn't watch anything or scroll social media. I listened to recordings of my notes in the car and jotted new notes on napkins and receipts and was excited all day long to get back to my computer as soon as possible. I lived, slept, breathed AdderKyn, just like I had the first two years. And because I finished one chapter on day 26 and then didn't have time to do what I'd normally do and take several days or longer to re-group for a different set of characters (that in this case I hadn't worked with in 21 months), I moved right into the next chapter after just a few hours of thinking about it. So yeah, I lost the competition, but I'M BACK BITCHES!!! In case you didn't know, Aidan Nerone is my most favorite person, sorry everyone else, but I couldn't live without him. And if you wanna hang out with us and get creating yourself, we have monthly zoom workshops for both writers and artists, so come join us, and we'll help motivate you to GET MOVING!!! 🥰

28th February 2023
Less than four hours from competition deadline....

31st October 2022
Blessed Samhain, witches!
Art by Mary Syring.
Art by Mary Syring.

18th October 2022

16th October 2022

20th September 2022
Merry Mabon, bellissimi amici!
Art by AJ Masthay.
Art by AJ Masthay.

15th September 2022

16th September 2022

9th September 2022

8th September 2022

6th September 2022

22nd August 2022
Workshop Updates!

22nd July 2022

1st July 2022
Activator Magazine, Central Illinois.
Cover art by Kitt St Joans.
Cover art by Kitt St Joans.

25th June 2022

25th June 2022
Activator Magazine Birthday Bash, Springfield, IL. Support local music!

21st June 2022
Happy Litha/Solstice, amori!
Art by AJ Masthay.
Art by AJ Masthay.

1st June 2022
Happy Pride Month, y'guys!

1st June 2022

20th March 2022
Blessed Ostara, my loves!
Art by Joanne Nethercott.
Art by Joanne Nethercott.

23rd February 2022

15th February 2022
Finally, after three months, FINALLY making some headway on chapter 61!!!

13th February 2022

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